yaya..tonite is our movie time..wat a boring afternoon just now~i spend my whole day in front my laptop..seems he starts to work part time=(oh my..damn bored yea..msn?friendster?and the facebook??hmmm..walk around my no space room..finally have a nap..after that do have a dating with my hubby^^ FINALLY!!miss him damn much..but watch a MAN movie~PIUNG PIUNG!!BANG BANG!!oh~~so boring..hopefully is with him..haha..prefer what wei fang and norman watch..love movie~hmmm~~another sweet sweet couple..so nice..

ac hem ac hem~~take one!! before the movie started

come one~here d take two~
haha..he askme help him upload in his
friendster(he tot not bad)hehe..
~the end of our night~